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How Many Watts Does a Refrigerator Use? Get Acquainted Now

How Many Watts Does a Refrigerator Use? Get Acquainted Now

When it comes to household appliances, the refrigerator is one of the most energy-intensive devices that we use every day. And this directly affects our electricity bills and our overall carbon footprint. So, it’s crucial to understand how much energy the refrigerator consumes. Essentially, the power consumption of a refrigerator is measured in watts and can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the size, model, age, and usage patterns of the appliance. 

This article will explore in detail the question, “How many watts does a refrigerator use?” It will also guide you on how to calculate refrigerator power consumption, how much it costs to power a refrigerator, the factors that affect the consumption and offer some tips to optimize the power usage of the fridge to save both money and energy.

How Many Watts Does a Refrigerator Use

How to Calculate the Wattage of Your Refrigerator

To calculate the wattage of your refrigerator, you’ll need to know how many volts and how many amps does a refrigerator use. While the voltage rating tells you how much electrical potential the refrigerator needs to operate, the amperage rating tells you how much current it draws. Here is how to calculate the wattage of a refrigerator:

Step one: To know how many volts your fridge use, check the label on the refrigerator to find the voltage rating. You can find it either on the back or bottom of the fridge or even in the manual. It should be either 120V or 240V.

Step two: Find out how many amps a fridge uses.  Determining the amperage rating for a refrigerator involves checking its label or manual, where this crucial specification is typically provided in amps (A) or milliamps (mA). Generally, refrigerators draw between 3 to 6 amps of current during operation.

Step three: Now that you know the voltage and amperage ratings, you can calculate the wattage by multiplying them together. Here is the formula to use: Voltage x Amperage = Wattage.

For example, let’s say your refrigerator has a voltage rating of 120V and an amperage rating of 5A. To calculate your refrigerator watts, you would multiply 120V by 5A, giving you a wattage of 600 watts. As for the specific question about how many watts does a refrigerator use per hour, you should also consider the running compressor inside which may only run about 30% of the time. So you can divide the total 600 watts by about 3, and get a number showing the average wattage a refrigerator use per hour. 

Alternatively, if you don’t have access to the voltage and amperage ratings of your refrigerator, you can use a watt meter to measure the electricity consumption of a refrigerator. The device plugs into the outlet and measures the wattage used.

Anker EverFrost Portable Cooler working

How Many Watts does a Refrigerator Use per Day?

Many factors influence the energy consumption of a fridge, including its type, size, the season, and the amount of food stored. For example, a bigger fridge is likely to use more electricity than a small fridge; running a fridge in summer consumes more electricity than in winter.

Besides, the total energy consumption of a refrigerator should include both the starting power and the running power. And the energy consumed when it starts can reach around 4 times of its running wattage. However, the starting process is fast and lasts for about only 1 second.

In general,

  • A mini refrigerator uses between 70-90 watts and 280-360 starting watts;
  • An average household refrigerator uses between 200-300 watts and 800-1200starting watts;
  • A side-by-side refrigerator uses 250-400watts and 1000-2000 starting watts.

It’s also noteworthy that the compactor in the refrigerator is not always functioning. It starts working when the internal temperature is not cold enough and stops when the temperature remains cold. Furthermore, it runs for more hours a day in summer and fewer in winter. We put its average running hours at 9.5 hours a day.

In that way, 

  • A mini refrigerator uses between 0.7-9kWh per day;
  • An average household refrigerator uses 0-3.0kWh per day;
  • A side-by-side refrigerator uses 2.4-0kWh per day.

So, if 1 kWh costs $0.15, 

  • A mini refrigerator costs $0.11-$0.14per day;
  • An average household refrigerator costs $0.3-$0.45per day;
  • A side-by-side refrigerator costs $0.36-$ 0.6per day. 

How to save energy with your fridge?

Are there any ways to help us reduce the power consumption of the refrigerator and save electricity? Here are some tips to help you use your refrigerator more cost-efficiently and save its energy consumption.

Set the right temperature

Properly controlling the temperature of your refrigerator is important. Generally, we can find a switch inside the fridge and use it to adjust the temperature setting. To conserve power and keep food fresh, it's recommended to set the temperature to different levels according to the season or the temperature of the environment. For example, lower level during the winter, higher level during the summer.

Keep it away from the heat

The refrigerator should be placed properly. It’s important to keep the refrigerator away from high-temperature environments. For example, some people would place their refrigerator in the kitchen or on the balcony. However, it is not recommended, because the temperature in the kitchen is relatively high after cooking and the balcony is a place full of direct sunlight, where the refrigerator must continuously release cool air to lower its temperature, which increases power consumption.

In addition, avoid putting high-temperature foods in the refrigerator. Overheated foods and other high-temperature items will also increase the internal temperature, consuming more power consequently. It is recommended to let your food cool down before storing it in your fridge.

Clean it up regularly

Refrigerators tend to accumulate frost over time and too much frost will harm the cooling capacity, leading to consumption of more electricity. Therefore, defrosting your fridge regularly is necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the fridge and lower its power consumption.

The amount of food stored inside also has an influence on the cooling performance of the refrigerator. Packing the fridge too full can lead to poor circulation of cold air and increase the running time and the amount of power used. Therefore, you should avoid filling your fridge with too much food. You can start by discarding unused and expired foods and arranging the remaining items properly.

Power it with solar energy

Powering your refrigerator with solar energy is an effective way to reduce energy consumption of the fridge. Solar power is a renewable energy source, which means that once the initial investment is made in the solar panels, the electricity generated thereafter is free, which brings significant cost savings on electricity bills. It’s also the most eco-friendly solution that does not cause any pollutants.

How to choose the right solar generator for your fridge?

Anker SOLIX F3800 Solar Generator for fridge

Choosing the right solar generator for your fridge involves considering several factors:

Determine your fridge's power requirements:

Check the appliance's user manual or label to find the wattage or current it requires to operate. This information will help you select a solar generator with sufficient capacity.

Calculate your energy needs:

As we mentioned above, estimate how many hours your fridge will run each day and multiply it by the power consumption in watts. This will give you the daily energy requirement in watt-hours (Wh).

Consider battery capacity:

Look for a solar generator with a battery capacity that can comfortably accommodate your estimated daily energy needs. It's advisable to choose a generator with a slightly higher capacity to account for unforeseen power fluctuations.

Choose solar panels with high conversion efficiency:

Higher conversion efficiency means that the panels can convert a greater amount of sunlight into usable electricity. This allows you to generate more power from the same amount of sunlight, maximizing the energy output of your solar system.

Review additional features:

Look for features like built-in inverters, USB ports, multiple outlets, and surge protection, which can enhance the versatility and functionality of the solar generator. 

Taking all these factors into account, Anker SOLIX F3800 Solar Generator could be a perfect choice. With a capacity high up to 3840Wh and 6000 wattage, Anker SOLIX F3800 is an ideal power system for your refrigerator. It can combine multiple solar panels with maximum 23% conversion efficiency, being able to reach an 80% charge in 1.5 hours with direct sunlight. With such astonishing performance, it can charge your solar generators even on cloudy days. What’s more, with the long-lasting technology and strong batteries, Anker SOLIX F3800 Solar Generator has a 10-Year Lifespan even with everyday use.

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need to Run a Fridge with a Solar Generator?

Let's use the Anker SOLIX F3800 Solar Generator with 400W solar panels as an example. Assuming your refrigerator consumes 1200 watt-hours (Wh) per day, and each 400W solar panel can ideally produce between 1600 to 2400 Wh per day depending on sunlight conditions.

To ensure reliable operation, it's better to use at least two 400W solar panels. Using at least two 400W solar panels ensures your setup can handle changes in sunlight, efficiency dips, and lets you power other small devices or charge the solar generator's battery at the same time. This setup gives you reliable power for your refrigerator while maintaining flexibility for other energy needs around your home.  


Overall, knowing how many watts a refrigerator uses and how to calculate the power consumption of refrigerators is essential for determining the right size generator needed during power outages. It also helps you to understand your refrigerator’s energy efficiency. The average fridge wattage varies from model to model and can be affected by factors like size, maintenance, and temperature settings.

FAQ on How many Watts does a Refrigerator Use?

What Is the Average Refrigerator Wattage?

The average fridge watts can range between 100 to 400 watts, with most models falling in the range of 150 to 300 watts. To determine the number of watts used by most regular refrigerators, simply multiply the number of amps specified on its nameplate with a standard 120 volts. Since the compressors in fridges usually run only about one-third of their total time, then divide the sum wattage by three for a relatively exact result.

How Many Watts Does a 220V Fridge Use?

The wattage of a 220V fridge will depend on the amperage of the specific model, the size of the fridge, etc. However, most medium-sized 220V home refrigerators will consume around 350 and 780 watts while running.

Can I Run a Refrigerator on an Inverter?

Yes, you can run a refrigerator on an inverter. It is particularly useful during refrigerator power outages or in areas with unreliable electricity supply. However, you need to make sure that the inverter has sufficient capacity to handle the refrigerator’s starting and running wattage. Assuming your fridge runs at 100 watts, you'll need an inverter that is rated for at least 150 watts to run it safely and reliably. Besides, you will also need a battery to power the inverter.

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